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Yellow Salt Glaze

Cone 10 Reduction Nepheline Syenite 63.9 Dolomite 21.1 Zircopax 16.0 OM4 ball clay 4.3 ------------------------------ 105.3 Add: 1.0% red iron oxide 4.0% bentonite This usually comes out as a very attractive light yellow. It reacts with iron in the clay body, typically forming brown spots and streaks. The surface is matte

By |February 13th, 2016|Cone 10, Glaze Recipe, Reduction, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Yellow Salt Glaze

Hatcher Yellow Glaze Recipe

Cone 10 Reduction Custer Feldspar 49 Talc 4 Wollastonite 20 Bone Ash 4 Zircopax 23 Red Iron Oxide 4 ______________________ Bentonite 3 F-3 firing schedule

By |February 2nd, 2016|Cone 10, Glaze Recipe, Reduction|Comments Off on Hatcher Yellow Glaze Recipe