Cone 9-10

G -200 feldspar 4210
EPK 180
Flint 2720
Whiting 900
Gerstley Borate 880
Dolomite 880
Zinc Oxide 170
Tin Oxide 260
400 rutile
 50 copper carbonate
Chun glaze is an ancient and traditional Chinese glaze. It is not usually very blue.
Tradtionally blue in a Chun is caused by the reduction of rutile, which can be chancy.
Expect a creamy glaze that spreads into several visual layers. You might get hints of lavender as well as blue.

A Bluer Chun

Cone 9-10 (Frits Hommes variation)
Start with the basic Blue Chun recipe above. To the 10,200 g recipe, add 96 g cobalt carbonate.
Leave out the copper carbonate (but keep the rutile in). This yields a light blue Chun with consistent light blue color, while preserving some of the traditional Chun color variation